HARDY | Accident, Album & Tour News
On October 2nd news broke that HARDY's tour bus was involved in a horrible accident on their way home following their show at Country Thunder in Bristol, TN. It was around 2:30 AM when the bus ran off the highway at speeds of 70 mph, flipping them into the woods. They all have injuries that were significant especially their bus driver Ricky. HARDY recently made a statement that Ricky was doing better, but no word on if or when he will be released from the hospital. According to Instagram Tanner Gallagher, HARDY's photographer posted to his story yesterday 10/10/2022 that he was being released from the hospital. The others on the bus that night seem to be all on the mend, & lucky to still be with us.
Photo Credit: Instagram Tanner Gallagher
Photo Credit: Instagram Tanner Gallagher
Following the good news of everyone feeling, better HARDY announced some news of his own. Not only did he release a new song he released 3 new songs. They are "here lies country music", "the mockingbird & THE CROW ", and "TRUCK BED". If you look at the titles you will notice the country songs are all lower-case letters and the rock songs are all upper-case letters. They all have a country/rock twist to each song. The following day after the songs were released, HARDY announced he was putting out an album on 1/20/2023 titled " the mockingbird & THE CROW " and the cover is awesome!
Just when you thought HARDY was done giving us all this awesomeness, he sprung on us his tour for next year " the mockingbird & THE CROW " featuring Jameson Rodgers and Blame My Youth. Which show are you going to??